SSP Pre-Survey VIDEOS: Syringe Services Programs: Community Building, Testing and Stigma Pre-Course Survey SSP Pre-Survey Before accessing the videos, please complete this brief survey. Thank you! 1. Rate your knowledge regarding services offered by Syringe Services Programs (SSPs).ExcellentModeratePoorNeedle exchangeLinkage to careHarm reduction modelOvercoming barriers to treatment2. Do you know where SSPs are located in your area? Yes No Unsure 3. Have you ever discussed SSP services with a patient? Yes No Unsure 4. Does your practice have a formal referral mechanism/protocol for SSP services? Yes No Unsure 5. Have you ever referred a patient to SSP services? Yes No 6. How likely are you to refer to an SSP? Very likely Somewhat likely Unlikely 7. What percentage of your patient population report injection drug use? Less than 15% 15-25% 25-35% 35-45% More than 50% I don’t know Δ